A Brief History of Downtown Oshkosh

A Brief History of Downtown Oshkosh

A Brief History of Downtown Oshkosh I produced this for The Documentary class as a part of the Radio-TV-Film program at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh. I was the videographer, producer, and editor for this...
Bridging College with Industry

Bridging College with Industry

Bridging With College & Industry (2009) I was the co-producer, and videographer for this yearly event at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh, which brings back alumni from the Radio-TV-Film program and interviews them on what it’s like to work in the...
Define: Consent

Define: Consent

Define: Consent For this video, I produced, filmed, and edited a man-on-the-street style interview with students in Reeve Union at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh to have them define...
Envision. Home at Last. Web Series

Envision. Home at Last. Web Series

Envision. Home at Last. The Web Series This web series was created in 2016 and every video was shot, edited, and produced by me. The goal of this web series is to give homeowners an idea of what they expect when they build a home, and introduces them to what...
How to Throw A Mocktail Party

How to Throw A Mocktail Party

How to Throw A Mocktail Party Video I wrote, produced, and edited for UW Oshkosh UMatter as a part of their BAC Matters facet. The video teaches students about the benefits of having an alcohol-free party, how to make a mocktail (an alcohol-free cocktail) and certain...